International Orders


  • We ship across the globe via FedEx, UPS, DHL, and Aramex.
  • ICL does not ship to any PO Boxes or APO addresses.
  • For International Orders, you can easily pay through your Debit/Credit cards as well as Paypal. You can use the Paypal option to make payment through your Credit card also without creating any Paypal account.
  • You can also pay through Bank Transfer.
  • Free shipping on non-discounted orders above ₹25,000.
  • ₹5,000 flat shipping charges will apply on all orders below ₹25,000.
  • Shipping charges are automatically added to your order at the time of checkout.
  • Usually, it takes 10 to 15 business days for our products to be dispatched.
  • Refund turnaround time is 10 to12 business days and the amount will be credited to the customer’s bank account.
  • Cancellation requests are accepted strictly within 24 hours of placing the order.
  • Once we start shipping your product, you will be able to access the tracking information via email.
  • International Orders are dispatched as soon as all the products in your order are ready with us. We don't dispatch incomplete orders.
  • As the recipient, you are liable for all import duties, customs and local sales taxes levied by the country we are shipping to; payment of these is necessary to release your order from customs on arrival.
  • Our delivery partners are authorized to deposit duties on behalf of the customer and the customer can then directly clear these with the delivery partners on receiving the packet.